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Presenting the Beauty of the West Sea as Seen from the Sky

The 2nd Annual Drone Video and Photography Competition Awards Ceremony Held on the 7th... Exhibition at the Provincial Office!

2023.12.07(목) 08:40:51 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

(Grand Prize) Kim Dae-kwang / Sunset over Magempo Rocks

▲ (Grand Prize) Kim Dae-kwang / Sunset over Magempo Rocks

(Excellence Award) Ji In-hwa / Sunset at Flower Land Beach

▲ (Excellence Award) Ji In-hwa / Sunset at Flower Land Beach

(Encouragement Award) Kim Young-soo / Gazing at the Sea at Anmyeonam

▲ (Encouragement Award) Kim Young-soo / Gazing at the Sea at Anmyeonam

Chungnam Drone Video Competition Awards Ceremony

▲ Chungnam Drone Video Competition Awards Ceremony

On the 7th, Chungnam Province held the awards ceremony and exhibition for the "2nd Annual Drone Video and Photography Competition" at the Provincial Office with the aim of promoting the active use of drones and expanding public participation.
Under the theme of "The Beautiful Landscapes of the West Sea as Seen from the Sky," this competition, which ran for a period of nine months from February 1st to October 30th, received a total of 331 entries (95 videos and 236 photographs) from various regions across the country.

The Province established a judging panel consisting of experts in related fields, including the Korea Photographers Association, professors of film and design within the province, and photojournalists from broadcasting companies. They selected a total of 30 outstanding works, including 21 from the general public and 9 from government officials.
In the general public category, under the theme of "Guardians of Life, Chungnam's West Sea," Ejeokrok from Cheonan had the honor of receiving the grand prize. His video beautifully captured the distinctive spotted seals and the abundant marine life in the West Sea, portraying the magnificence of life.
The top awards were presented to Mr. Kim Dae-kwang (Seo-gu, Daejeon) in the photography category and Mr. Park Il-hwan (Seocheon) in the video category. Additionally, a total of 18 individuals received recognition in various categories, including excellence, encouragement, and honorable mentions.
The award-winning works are available for viewing on the provincial YouTube channel(https://www.youtube.com/@topcnitv), and the Province plans to utilize them in various promotional materials for provincial administration and event promotions, including brochures and social media networks (SNS).
The award-winning and outstanding works will be exhibited in the Provincial Office lobby until the 21st of the month. Subsequently, there are plans to conduct a traveling exhibition in each municipal office's public service center, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy the works.
Mr. Lim Taek-bin, Head of the Land Management Division of the Province, expressed his sincere gratitude to all participants who had prepared their submissions for this competition over an extended period. He emphasized that the Province will continue its efforts not only in integrating drones into administrative areas but also in enhancing the daily lives of ordinary citizens through infrastructure development.
Department in Charge : Land Management Division, Unmanned Aerial Navigation Team
Contact Number : 041-635-4797


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